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2-sided fire

A 2-sided fire, often referred to as a dual-sided or see-through fire, is a stylish and practical feature designed to provide a view of the fire from two separate areas. Our 2-sided fires in Swindon, Wiltshire can be placed between rooms or even in an open-concept space, allowing both sides to enjoy the warmth and cosy glow.

Explore our stunning collection of 2-sided fires in Swindon, Wiltshire, and choose from a variety of customisable finishes and frame styles to complement your home’s aesthetic.

In Showroom

Colour +

Heat Output +

Flame Colour +

Controls +

Flue Type +

Air Vent Required +

Air Wash +

Beam +

Canopy +

DEFRA Approved +

Depth +

Efficiency +

F&FP Customisations +

Finish/Marterial +

Flame Effect +

Front +

Fuel Effect +

Fuel Type +

Lighting +

Marble Finish +

Mounting +

Shape +

Size +

Stone Finish +

Stove Style +

Showing all 8 results

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In Showroom

Colour +

Heat Output +

Flame Colour +

Controls +

Flue Type +

Air Vent Required +

Air Wash +

Beam +

Canopy +

DEFRA Approved +

Depth +

Efficiency +

F&FP Customisations +

Finish/Marterial +

Flame Effect +

Front +

Fuel Effect +

Fuel Type +

Lighting +

Marble Finish +

Mounting +

Shape +

Size +

Stone Finish +

Stove Style +

Fires And Fireplaces Logo

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In Showroom

Colour +

Heat Output +

Flame Colour +

Controls +

Flue Type +

Air Vent Required +

Air Wash +

Beam +

Canopy +

DEFRA Approved +

Depth +

Efficiency +

F&FP Customisations +

Finish/Marterial +

Flame Effect +

Front +

Fuel Effect +

Fuel Type +

Lighting +

Marble Finish +

Mounting +

Shape +

Size +

Stone Finish +

Stove Style +

In Our Showroom
In Our Showroom
In Our Showroom
In Our Showroom
In Our Showroom
In Our Showroom